Wednesday, July 6, 2016

Luckiest Girl Alive by Jessica Knoll

I am not sure I would use the work "lucky" to describe TifAni who goes by Ani (pronounced Ah-nee not Annie).

This is a rather dark and unpleasant story. It has a slow burn that sort of clings to you and forms a thin film of discomfort that will probably make you want to put the book down for awhile from time to time.

At the age of 14 she started a new school after having spent her time up until 8th grade in an all girls Catholics school. She is a bit more physically developed than the other girls her age, she has rather large boobs that the boys can't help notice. But she isn't as sophisticated as her body might suggest to observers and she quickly gets in over her head.

Until the last few chapters the book which are in the present the story is told in alternating chapters that take place when she was 14 and in the present as she gets ready for her wedding and is involved in the filming of a documentary.

Ani is not at all likable in the present but as her story unfolds you begin to understand why. It doesn't completely change her into a likable character but gives context to her smarminess. She isn't an unreliable narrator or character, she is just not likable. The question you end up with is was what happened what made her what she is or was this always her and it was how she ended up in the situations she found herself in.

(Finished July 6, 2016)

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