Saturday, May 16, 2015

The Girl on the Train by Paula Hawkins

You're life has fallen apart, you don't want to tell anyone so you try to keep your routine. And so you ride the train everyday and your attention is drawn to a couple you can see everyday as you pass their home. You get a glimpse lasting a few seconds to a minute at a time and your create a life for them in your imagination. Then something happens, you see something you wish you hadn't.

That is the setup for The Girl on the Train. If you liked Gone Girl you will like this. It is a similar formula, one story told from the point of view of different characters and they all head towards what really happened and you don't know who is reliable or if anyone is.

Rachel is a mess. She drinks too much, so much so that it has left her with huge blank spots in her memory. She has lost everything that mattered to her. So when she sees a chance to add some purpose back into her life she takes it. But it goes nothing like she expected it and what happens next is a dizzy, crazy trip into the case of a missing person.

Take a ride on the crazy train!!

(Finished May 15, 2015)

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