Sunday, April 9, 2017

Morning Star (Red Rising #3) by Pierce Brown

The third and (was supposed to be) final installment of (what was supposed to be) the Red Rising trilogy ends with....well now, I can't tell you that, SPOILERS!!!

I can tell you that you will have your heart shredded, mended, shredded again, and maybe mended again. I can tell you that you might chuckle when you least expect a chuckle to be appropriate.
And you will think. When power corrupts and is then overthrown, what steps in to fill the void? Someone has to lead. But what kind of leadership? Not everyone will like the new leadership, that's a given, but how does someone or a group of someones step in and create a new order without becoming the tyrants overthrown but still bring along those who don't want to come? It is a puzzle for sure. It is a world torn apart and needing rebuilding.

A color system that is clearly out of wack with the idea of freedom no matter what those at the top try to sell to those at the one color more able than the others? Do we become who are because we are told it is who we are or do we makes choices that make us who we are and learn to carve out a place for ourselves in the place we best fit because of those choices? These are the questions, or at least some of them, that the Red Rising story asks and attempts to answer.

But now I am all uptight because I read this trilogy because someone, I am looking at you Danielle, told me that she loved it and if I did too all three books were already published so I wouldn't have to wait to find out what happens, only to get to the last page of this book and see that Mr. Brown has changed the paradigm once again...and his trilogy is now a quartet and there will be new book in the near future. Well played Mr. Brown, well played.

(finished April 9, 2017)
PS in fairness to Mr. Brown, if you read these now and have to wait for book 4, you won't be left all in a tangle, it does wrap up as if this was meant to be the ending.

My thoughts on
Red Rising
Golden Son

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