Sunday, July 29, 2018

White Rabbit by Caleb Roehrig

Holy Cow!!! This was something!!! It was a coming of age figuring out your place in a community that wants to throw you out, figuring out sexuality, first love, and it was a chilling mystery!! Not easy to wrap up in one place successfully but Roehrig did it!!

I knew by page 14 or so that I was going to love his writing style when the insult one character throws out is to call someone "an absolute prolapsed rectum of a human being." There is so much snark in these pages it feels authentic and I love it. 

And as for the mystery, well I didn't think I knew who it was until very near the end, and then the reveal, and I was wrong!! And yes, I am so happy about that. I hate figuring out who-dun-it too soon, and while I don't mind being right when I figure it out, I really like being wrong and it making sense when the actual unsub (yes I used to watch Criminal Minds) is revealed. 

As for the love story, it doesn't feel like an extra or throw away plot, it doesn't crowd the story but enhances it and I found myself rooting for Rufus and Bash and wanting to admonish Rufus for not at least listening even as I understood why he couldn't. His hurt felt real and as someone who has had a broken heart I got why he was shutting Bash down, but the mama hen in me wanted to tell him to listen and maybe it might help him heal. 

Spoiler Alert, tho minor: I was glad we got the scene we did between Bash and his dad. Parents aren't perfect and it is ok to admit we make mistakes too. People who say parents shouldn't apologize to their kids are just plain wrong, we are our kids first example on how to own a mistake and make it right. 

(Finished July 29, 2018)

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