Saturday, January 11, 2020

Martin McLean, Middle School Queen by Alyssa Zaczek

I LOVED THIS BOOK!!! My friend and coworker who is the Queen of the children's department at the B&N where we work told me about this book and I had to have it. I am always looking for suggestions for LGBTQ+ books and there aren't many in the younger age group. Middle school is a mine field for all kids but for some kids it is even harder. For kids of color, for kids who don't know how they feel, for kids who do and feel like maybe it means they are different or less, we need more books like this. Books that tell gay kids that they are bright and beautiful and fierce and wonderful too. That they are normal too.

As the mom of a gay middle school aged teen I wish that when my now 8th grader was in 6th grade and struggling with what it meant when he came out to us, with the words he was hearing other kids at school use, I wish this book was available then. As a bookseller I am so pleased to have this title in my list of recommendations. The story is beautiful and funny and heartbreaking and healing. It isn't just about being a middle school drag queen, though that is a huge part of who Martin/Lottie is. It is about it being ok to not know the answers to the big questions. It is ok to be yourself and no one has the right to take that away from you or make you feel bad. It is about supporting your friends. It is about being part of a team. It is about finding the you you want to be and doing it fiercely.


(Finished January 11, 2019)

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