Thursday, February 13, 2020

Crown of Feathers (Crown of Feathers #1) by Nicki Pau Preto

When OwlCrate announced it was going to have a special exclusive edition of the follow up to this, Heart of Flames, I decided to take a peek at this to see if I wanted to buy their edition. It’s beautiful by the way, the sprayed edges and the foil lettering on the cover, it’s fabulous. I read the first 4 pages at work to see if it seemed like a story I’d like and it did so I bought it and ordered book 2. I waited until closer to release of book 2 to read this so I could go right into the next piece of the story. And what did I think of Crown of Feathers? I’m glad you asked.

It was a slow burn of sorts. I liked the first few pages enough that I was left wanting to know more. But then I sat down and actually started reading the book. And the beginning was a little slow. Not bad at all. Just the tension built slowly until I was gripped by the dynamic between sisters Val and Veronyka. I found myself really angry with Val and how she isolated and manipulated Veronyka. It was like an abusive relationship and it was getting under my skin. But as the story progressed I began suspecting things were not as they seem. I mean I still really don’t like Val and I still think she was a harmful influence in Veronyka’s life but I was left by the end wondering at her motive and how much was fear a misguided attempt to keep a promise and how much is just basic selfishness.

Possibly a mild spoiler here—> I don’t always ship couples in books I read. As a matter of fact I’m often quite content to have a great story that has absolutely zero romance. But in this book I’m big time shipping Sev and Kade as well as Veronyka and Tristan.

About 2/3 through the book I was becoming antsy with anticipation because I could feel something coming. This is a good thing, I promise.

The world building is done well even if it was a little confusing at first, keeping things straight but the time line in the back of the book helped a lot and it didn’t take away from enjoying the tale.

And the Phoenixes. Oh my the way Nicki writes them, I can see the colors and flames in my head and it’s beautifully done!!!

A solid and enjoyable book 1.

Also, I’m putting this in my Goodreads LGBTQ shelf because even though it’s not focused on an LGBTQ character(s) or story line there is a possible budding couple who are males and there is mention of a fierce couple in this world’s history that are girls. And it is presented as not at all frowned upon or problematic. I may revise this if the tone of the story changes.

(Finished February 13, 2020)

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