Monday, January 5, 2015

Life After Life by Kate Atkinson

At first I wasn't sure if I liked this one. It took about 100 pages for me to start to really get into it and then I couldn't put it down.

What if you were born, died, and then born again....over and over? That is what happens to Ursula. She is born February 11, 1910 and dies before she can breathe. Then she is born again. Every time she dies it is at a different point in her life and she is immediately born to live her life over again. Each time her life and the life of those she come into contact with turns out a bit different depending on the choices made.

At some point she begins to remember having lived this life before in a hazy deja vu way and that too changes outcomes of the current timeline.

While each run through has its share of tragedy there are so many interesting thoughts woven in. If someone you love and trust turns away from you is it the situation and time or is it the person's character? Or is less simple than that? What does it mean to be a mother? What does it mean to be a family? How much of a ripple effect does even the most seemingly insignificant action have?

(Finished January 5, 2015)

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