Sunday, January 7, 2018

Fire and Fury: Inside the Trump White House by Michael Wolff

If you know me even a little you KNOW there was NO WAY IN HELL I was going to miss out on this one!!!

Excerpts were published, it was all over the news...and idiot-baby-man Trump couldn't resist and tweeted angrily about it and like wildfire talk and pre-orders soared. And then the publisher moved the release date to Friday Jan 5 up from Tuesday January 9. I ran to Barnes and Noble as soon as they opened and they didn't have copies out yet. By 3:30pm they still hadn't unloaded their truck and put them out but the website had updated and the Nook version was now available and so, since I have rejoined the world of e-reader owners (I got a Nook just after Christmas) I downloaded it, no longer able to wait for a hard copy....and every moment I have been awake and not working I have been reading it...I just finished and HOLY SHIT this was one crazy read!!!

Do I think every word is true or unbiased? No, of course not, I am not an idiot. But I have been following the news coverage and I have yet to hear any full throated denials by anyone quoted in the book. I have not heard anyone say that Wolff wasn't there and didn't or couldn't have heard what he says he heard. And he insists he has tape and notes to back up his reporting. So I am going to assume the majority of what he writes is at least close enough to exact quotes to make this non-fiction. And that is the crazy and scary part of this. If even of a small fraction of what Wolff says others said or told him they thought or told others in Wolff's hearing then we have more trouble in the Oval Office than we all (or mostly all) suspected....

Some highlights- or low lights depending on how you look at it-
Holy hell the poor fact checker from New Yorker who had to make that call to Bannon regarding what Scaramucci told the reporter at the magazine....
The moniker "Jarvanka"
In bed at 6:30 with a cheeseburger
How the hell did the people around tRump allow Wolff such unfettered access?
The idiotic way these dummies created extra trouble for themselves, like the Air Force One meeting and how the outing of Don Jr's meeting with the Russians IN TRUMP TOWER was handled.
Clearly Bannon was tRump's puppet master for quite some time.
I actually started to feel bad for Spicer.
My anger at the way Morning Joe's hosts aided and abetted the campaign and played some part in the normalization of tRump was so spot on and I am glad it gets mentioned.
And the New Yorker fact checker deserve a second mention because holy shit how do you ask that question to someone..."I am just calling to ask your comment on and if it is true that you..."

As a side note there is one thing I need to vent about, I am irked as a read by typos in published books...when there is an extra "a" or a missing word, it annoys me and I wonder how the many editors who comb over books looking for these kinds of things miss them..that being is just a smallish pet peeve of mine and I needed to mention it, and I am curious if anyone else feels this way too.... 

(Finished January 7, 2018)

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