Sunday, January 28, 2018

Iron Gold (Red Rising Saga #4) by Pierce Brown

I read the first three books of the series (which at the time I thought was going to be a trilogy) last year at the recommendation of my friend Danielle. Besides the great story telling she used as a selling point the fact that all of the books in the trilogy were out and I wouldn't have to wait. I read Book 1, Red Rising, and ran out right away to get Book 2, Golden Son, and Book 3....then I finished Book 3, Morning Star, only to find out that there was now going to be more books and it would be about a year until the next part of the story was out....Well now it is out and I am done and I am anxiously awaiting the next book later this year.

Iron Gold picks up 10 years after the ending of Morning Star. War has been raging and it has worn on everyone, especially Darrow and his family. The big does one end a war when there have been missteps and mistakes and are so many hurt and disillusioned people to try and please and make peace in the name of?

Something I find Brown does really well is using multiple first person voices to tell a story from different points of view. Darrow is flawed and stuck in a cycle of war and trying to find and make peace. But along the way deals were made, some good, some bad, some seemed good at the time they were made and turned out to be bad, and the price paid has worn out and worn thin the humanity left in many, including Darrow. Those who seemed to have been awful and without morality turned around their thoughts and actions and tried in their own way to make amends...Even our heroes are flawed and even our villains may not be what we think they are.....

Action packed, gory at times (hey, it's war it has to be gory at times), heartfelt, exciting, heartbreaking...The only thing I would say against the book, is that it WEIGHS a lot, coming in at 596 pages, so if you have an eReader I would say get it on that. If I had one back when I started the series I would have done that but as I have this about having books in a series in as close to the same format as possible (paper vs ereader, paperback or hardcover etc...hey I even made sure to get all of the first 4 Game of Thrones book in the over some paperback because book 5 was coming out in hardcover and I wanted to have them be similar in size only shelf)...

(Finished January 28, 2018)

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