Thursday, February 22, 2018

Glass Sword (Red Queen #2) by Victoria Aveyard

I read the first book in the series, Red Queen, at the end of last year and I was very glad to read the next installment and am no looking forward to the next.

Don't get me wrong, this isn't high end classic literature, but it is more than just a fluff sandwich. It is another story, one that gets told in many ways so often, of what happens when governing becomes so deeply an us-vs-them ideology. I believe the reason is it so often the story being told because it so closely resembles the ideology of the world we live in.

In Red Queen we met Mare and her family, friends, and enemies. In Glass Sword we meet more people like Mare, people Red by blood but with Silver abilities.

The sacrifices of war are further examined. The characters face the costs for a person who survives and for those who have to go on to live without their loved ones as well as the ultimate cost a person pays, their life. An argument could be made and is explored in these pages, that perhaps the ultimate sacrifice isn't ones life but ones humanity.

(Finished February 21, 2018)

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