Friday, June 21, 2013

Oh Dear Sylvia by Dawn French

I loved Dawn French's first two books. The first was her memoir Dear Fatty and the other was the novel A Tiny Bit Marvellous so when I heard this book was announced I per-ordered it immediately. 

Oh Dear Silvia was sad but funny. It was the kind of funny you almost feel bad about laughing at but not enough not to laugh.

Silvia is lying in a hospital bed in a coma after falling off her balcony. As she lays there her housekeeper Tia, ex-husband Ed, best friend Cat, sister Jo, nurse Winnie and daughter Cassie come in and visit. The story is told as if you were a fly on the wall watching and listening to what is said to the woman who can't say anything back. Her housekeeper's visits are really, really funny. Her sister's visits are cringe worthy, sad and at times funny, there is a bit with a stripper that is hysterical.

As the story unfolds you learn more about each visitor, the kind of woman Sylvia is and how she got there in that bed.

I start to have a feeling about how she fell but when it was revealed and I was right I still did a WTF and had to reread it because it was said in the middle of a rant and in such a matter of fact way that it was shocking in the how if not the who of the reveal.

I ended up loving Winne, Ed and Cassie. They were such wonderfully drawn characters, very full and interesting. I want to tell you what I thought of Sylvia but I will refrain because I think to tell would take something away from your experience in reading this book.

I was well pleased yet again by the talent of Ms Dawn French.

(finished June 20, 2013)

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