Monday, February 3, 2014

Game Change: Obama and the Clintons, McCain and Palin, and the Race of a Lifetime by John Heilemann, Mark Halperin

Heilemann and Halperin have an accessible and easy to get into writing style. They shine a light on the behind the scenes play that is a political campaign revealing the good, bad, ugly and stupid. I read their second Game Change book before I read this, their first and knew I wanted to go back and read it. Then I saw the HBO movie based on the parts of this book and knew I had to go back and read it.

Some of the stuff revealed here sound like the makings of a good soap opera, sex, scandals, fits of rage and acting like a child, except these are real people asking us to vote them into positions of power. 

Heilemann and Halperin were able to get some really deep access to the campaigns and those involved and the results aren't always flattering but that's the way life goes so I'm not sure I should have enjoyed this book. There are some (John Edwards & his wife, Sarah Palin) that are really exposed here for their bad behavior. But I really enjoyed it.

There was a downside however. My opinions about some of the people featured might need to be reevaluated given the things they have said or done during the course of the 2008 election season. It's a good thing to have more information, to really think and rethink what we believe, know and feel. That doesn't mean it is easy or pleasant but it's important.

(finished February 3, 2014)


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