Tuesday, March 20, 2018

Russian Roulette: The Inside Story of Putin's War on America and the Election of Donald Trump by Michael Isikoff, David Corn

A stupid snow storm put off me getting my hands on this book off by a day and during that day these two were all over the news talking about their book. And it just made me want it more.

Isikoff and Corn write really well each on their own, but together they are extra masterful. This reads like a spy novel, except if it was a spy NOVEL the reader would shake their head and feel like it was just a bit too over the top and couldn't ever happen...but this isn't a NOVEL, this is our real world, the world we are forced to live in and watch burn around us as the dim-whit president destroys, or at least tries his hardest to destroy, all the best of the USA.

Corn and Isikoff take all the pieces of the last 2+ years of stories and incidents linking Trump and members of his inner circle(s) and family to Russia and the Russian government and puts the puzzle pieces together to being to reveal the big picture...and that picture is the USA was attacked by a hostile foreign government and the president of the country is not only ok with it, he seems to like it and is in awe of the autocrat running said foreign government.

Read this!! And try not to feel scared about the future

(Finished March 20, 2018)

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