Thursday, May 3, 2018

The Female Persuasion (Book Club Edition) by Meg Wolitzer

I have never read a Meg Wolitzer book before this one. I got this one because Barnes & Noble was starting a new thing, a book club night, and I thought it would be fun or at least interesting. It was!!! Plus, free cookie and coffee!!!

It took a little bit but once it happened, I was drawn in and hooked!! Big time!! For me it was the bathroom scene, the point where I found myself hooked.

Wolitzer writes in such a way that I found myself really liking, not just content but style, word choice, flow, and most importantly I loved that her characters were flawed. I loved that some places where it would have been easy to fall into the usual neat and clean over used happy shiny way of doing things she went a more real and at times ugly way. It felt real.

I wish there was more of Zee in the story. I wish there had been some more of race since she touched on it some but then dropped the thread. The conversations about what it means to be a feminist, what feminism is, and who can be a feminist are worth having and this book defiantly starts a dialogue.

Cory and his grief, how his mother handled it, how his father did, and how he did what needed doing....Greer's mom and her finally having a REAL conversation...the inclusion of characters that are not always likable or are never likable....this didn't read like an over 400 page book, once it sucked me in it went quickly and I was sad to say goodbye, like I said, there were some threads Wolitzer introduced then didn't flesh out as much as I would have liked, but then again she was already at over 400 pages.

Please don't take the time it took me to read this as a problem with the book, I started it wanting to read it as close to the book club day as possible so it would be fresh in my mind, but then as is often the case when we make plans, life got in the way...some of it was rough and hard (issues with mental health and my daughter) and some was positive, we adopted a dog on Friday...but I didn't finish until this morning and book club was last night...I was so close, maybe 40 pages short by the time I went to the event. 

Now I really want to read more of her work!!

 (Finished May 3, 2018)

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