Wednesday, May 22, 2013

A Thousand Splendid Suns by Khaled Hosseini

I truly love when fictional characters are placed in real events and their story is told with the real event as a backdrop. When done right you get a gripping story and a bit of a history lesson. This book is an example of one done beautifully.

Set in Afghanistan starting in the late 60's going through 2003 A Thousand Splendid Suns is a story of love in its purest form. Starting with Mariam and joining later with Laila these are two of the most amazing women I have met in the pages of a novel. They both face loss, brutality and war with a grace most lovely to read and heartbreaking to imagine.

I am not a fan of spoiling people so I wont tell you the outcome or even how they come to be together. I will tell you that they love each other so fully that there isn't anything they wouldn't do for each other. Their story is one that deserves to be told and is easy to forget isn't about two actual women. It could be because Hosseini writes so beautifully. It could be because as you are reading about Mariam and Laila and learning a bit about what it was like in Afghanistan for women during this time you can imagine things like what they go through happening to actual women. Or it could be both, because you can imagine it, it has been told in news reports and non-fiction books and Hosseini does write beautifully.

I am going to use my graduation giftcard and buy more of his work!!! Watch for the reviews.

(finished May 22, 2013)

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