Monday, June 17, 2013

The Birth House by Ami McKay

This was the June book pick for book club. I wasn't expecting much, but it sounded interesting when I read the inside of the cover. After reading the prologue and about 15 pages I was already loving Dorie and Miss B.

At first I was noticing all the Mary worship going on and was wondering if it was going to be a preachy book, it wasn't and after awhile it just seemed part of who Miss B. is.

Dr. Thomas was infuriating and every time he stepped on to the page I wanted to slap him silly. He was a quack and the only thing he was good for was introducing Dorie to the newest invention around, a vibrator to cure hysteria.

The message of the story is that women should have the freedom to choose where they have their babies, who delivers their babies and who is present for the birth. Many message stories feel preachy but this one didn't. It just presented a group of women who relied on each other and their midwife and didn't want to be forced to go to a hospital setting with a male doctor who wanted to knock them out until after giving birth and was not at all interested in the women or their needs and wants.

The writing is really nice. I know that sounds like it could be almost an insult or low praise but it isn't. It just was really nicely written and enjoyable.

The community of Scots Bay comes to live between the covers of this novel. I was some pleased by Dorie Rare and her circle of friends.

(finished June 17, 2013)

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