Tuesday, June 16, 2020

These Witches Don't Burn (These Witches Don't Burn #1) by Isabel Sterling

These Witches Don't Burn was my Pride-2020 read #4

Rant then review: I was so mad when Book of the Month dropped their YA club. They still have some YA but to use credits on other books you have to get one of the selected titles too and there wasn't any YA or titles I wanted among them. I had been hanging on just until there was something I wanted so I could use my last 3 credits and cancel. Finally there was one, The Vanishing Half, and so I grabbed it, this one and What Doesn't Kill You Makes You Blacker and I am done with BOTM! Of course I told them exactly why I was cancelling. I mean really, they are our credits, they have our money for them, we should be able to skip the titles and still grab something from their collection.

Ok my review:

When I picked this I didn't realize it was the start of a series, I just grabbed it because it sounded like a good story and it would be perfect for my annual June Pride reading.
These Witches Don't Burn has witches, romance (f/f), and mystery, a perfect combo right?
Hannah is our main character, a witch living in modern day Salem. There are rules for witches that allows them to safely live among Regs. Regs are non magical folx, think Muggles, which is where my mind went and the reference is made late in the story. Hannah has a Reg best friend, Gemma, a stalkerish ex, Veronica (also a witch), and a new crush, Morgan. She works in a Wicca shop run by Lauren who I hope gets some page time in book 2 and there is a new employee, Cal.

There is an interesting conversation to be had about relationships and when they get unhealthy and one needs to set some boundaries. I appreciated that part even though it made me so angry at Veronica. Hannah and Veronica have been friends since birth practically and then date and break up. I don't know if the mending of their friendship will play a role in book 2 but I hope so because I think navigating break ups, setting healthy boundaries in all relationships, and moving on and when possible forgiving and rebuilding relationships are important life skills we all need but especially the YAs in YA.

I enjoyed the story. The who done it wasn't one I figured out until just seconds before the reveal. And I had a jaw dropping gasp reaction. Someone is hunting Hannah and Victoria, is it a Blood Witch? Is it some stupid, angry school mate? Is it something else entirely? There are moments of fun and joy, there is some really deep pain and hurt, betrayal, and fear. The tension starts slow and then amps up until BAM all hell breaks loose.

Now I am annoyed because I have yet another series I like and need to wait for the next part of. But I guess that's a good problem to have.

(Finished June 16, 2020)

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