Sunday, August 13, 2017

The Windfall by Diksha Basu

This falls solidly in the liked it camp but doesn't quite fall over into really liked it...If Goodreads allowed half stars I would have made this a 3 1/2 instead of a 3.

When the Jha family becomes super wealthy everything changes for them.

The Windfall is a story about keeping up appearances and at times it is cringe worthy seeing the lengths Mr. Jha and Mr. Chopra go to trying to one-up each other. From bragging about the cost of trips and luggage and being able to support a son so he can be lazy and not work they stretch their tales to show the other just how wealthy they really are.

While this happening a friend from their old community, the one the Jhas raised their son in and were part of before moving to a fancy house in an upscale community of guards, drivers, and maids in uniforms the Jha's friend Mrs. Ray and Mr. Chopra's brother meet and explore getting to know each other without the pretense and it is a nice counter point.

It is an interesting glimpse into what people do to cover their own insecurity and impress others even while trying to prove themselves better.

This was the second July Book of The Month Club pick I mentioned in my review of Final Girls. It was not a bad read but I did enjoy Final Girls more.

(Finished August 13, 2017)

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