Saturday, March 10, 2018

Children of Blood and Bone (Legacy of Orïsha #1) by Tomi Adeyemi

I. Must. Have. Book 2. NOW!!!!!
Talk about ending on a cliffhanger!!!

And what a DEBUT novel!!!

Tomi's joy in the video she posted on Twitter when she opened the box with her book in it and holding it for the first time was amazing!!

Everything about this has been amazing.

First, this cast of characters, all so well written, even the most vile one is so well written that he made my skin crawl, the world leaps off the page and pulls you in, and everyone who lives in these pages is a person of color...the entire world is populated by people with many different shades of black and brown skin and it is wonderful to have strong female characters that are also strong black women.

The story is an us vs them power struggle. There are those in the ruling class who feel threatened by the power that those under them could use to take over control of this world, in this case it is magic, so the rulers decide the way to keep control is to kill magic and those who wield it. But you can't kill what makes people who they are unless you are going to kill all the people who are different, and that is where this leads, can magic and those without magic coexist? How much can a lower class be trampled on before they revolt? Is there such a thing as a benevolent ruler? When you find the spark that makes you you how do you embrace it if it means losing those you love or who should love you? How do the broken heal and what happens when they can't? There is so much to unpack here and it is wonderfully done in this first book of the series.

(Finished March 10, 2018)

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