Monday, May 11, 2020

White Fragility: Why It’s So Hard for White People to Talk About Racism by Robin DiAngelo

This is a must read. This is especially important for every white person to read. Especially if you believe you have no biases, no hint of a racist bone in your body, and that we live in a post-racial society.
I want to quote the whole book at you. I really do. But instead I will say do yourself a favor and read it.
One of the take aways DiAngelo shares is that we really need to get away from the binary of racist=bad and not racist=good so if you are a goof person you can't possibly be racist. It won't be an easy thing for some to absorb but it is so important. It is a narrative that keeps people from being able to see or acknowledge their prejudices/biases and change their thought patters, interrupt the system of white supremacy, that this country is built on and has socialized people into from its beginning. The either or choice makes people who actually are good people from being able to take responsibility for actions/behavior patterns that are racist.
We need to rethink our definition of what racism is and isn't. If we want to, I know I want to, be antiracists then we need to welcome the feedback and the chance to learn and grow and not make it about us or our feelings. There is just so much meat on the bones of these 154 pages.

Please read this book!! PLEASE!!! I will share this little bit with you but please get a copy and read it!!

(Finished May 11, 2020)

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