Tuesday, May 12, 2020

Red Skies Falling (Skybound #2) by Alex London

Not sure if you remember but I read the first in this story, Black Wings Beating, because my son really was drawn to the cover so he picked it out to give me as a gift. And it really was a gift. Such an unexpected and amazing one. So when book 2 was released I couldn't wait to get my hands on it. Not only did I snag a copy, I was bale to get a signed book plate to put in it!

I think I liked this piece of the story even more than the first. Except the damn cliffhanger ending!! I mean I didn't hate the ending just that it is a cliffhanger and now the wait for the next piece begins. Ok, yes I have very little patience LOL...

We rejoin the story of twins Kylee and Brysen after they were separated. Kylee is training at the Sky Castle and has Nyall with her. Brysen is still in the Six now with Jowyn.   

There is deception, treachery, murder, mistakes, and romance. Pretty much everything a good story should have. There are choices made by our crew that are frustrating but they are supposed to be. We can see more of the big picture than they can see we are alternating between Kylee's POV and Brysen's. But even we don't get all the pieces, until the reveal at the end which sets up the battle with the big bad that is set up for book 3 of this trilogy. And it is set up perfectly. 

A lot of these rise up and change the world stories are about the things people do to each other. One group finds a weakness in another, or sees something they don't like about them, or both and so take control. One group of people keeps control over an other until the oppressed group rises up in rebellion and overthrows the first group. But then often the new leaders forget what it was like, how they were so awfully treated and instead of doing better they start the cycle over. And it keeps going, group A in charge, group B rises up and rebels. Now group B is the power group and group A is controlled, until they rise up and rebel...rinse and repeat...

This throws that trope a huge twist....it is still a story about what power does, how it corrupts, who has it and what will be done to keep it...

I want to point out how beautiful Alex's use of pronouns is. Sometimes it is "he" or "she" and other times it is "they." It is beautiful how natural it is. But something else that I liked is that here is never an assumption made about the gender of a person...if the POV we are seeing from can't tell or doesn't know then it is "they." 

Also beautiful is the love and respect for all loves. Some of the couples we meet are man/woman, some are woman/woman, and some are man/man. Some people have no interest in a romantic love story and it is all seen as a normal part of life. And it is, it all is. A lesson for the world we inhabit off page I think. 

Bottom line, a great follow up that left me anxious for the conclusion. I think this is a trilogy and I apologize if I goofed and there turns out to be more later.

(Finished May 12, 2020)

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