Sunday, November 1, 2020

I Have Something to Tell You by Chasten Glezman Buttigieg

 You may recognize Chasten's last name because of his husband, Mayor of South Bend and one time Presidential Candidate Pete Buttigieg (Boot-edge-edge). But Chasten has his own voice and story and this is where he shares it. 

He shares his growing up years in a small very Republican area and the way people thought and talked about gay people and then the hard time he had when he realized he was and began to understand what that meant for him. He doesn't have the easiest go of it. He spent some time living in his car, was in an abusive relationship, and was sexually assaulted. But he also learned to speak German and against all the odds stacked against him he spends a year as an exchange student. He learned he was talented and found his people in the theater. And most importantly (sorry Chasten but this is what I found most important though I guess some would say it was meeting Peter) he learned he could speak to and listen to middle school kids, he could reach them and teach them and he was so good at it. Knowing what it was like to struggle and feel unsafe as he entered his teen years he was able to create a safe space for all his students. 

When he does meet Peter (he calls him Peter and not Pete) and joins him on the campaign trail this part of his story helps him to do something amazing...Besides their relationship being a beacon of hope to young people like my son, that being gay isn't a hinderance to pursuing ones dreams, he was able to really connect with people, people who had pain of all kinds, and really listen to them, and to make them know they were being heard. He brought politics back to being about people and this was one of the most beautiful and loving things he could have possibly done. And if I am reading him correctly it is what he misses about the end of the campaign and what he saw and felt lacking in the discourse of the day. He understands the burden medical bills and weighing making health care choices with choices about which other bills to pay including food. He understands the hardship student debts place on people. He understands that not everyone is safe or has the same freedoms. And he understands that there are things he doesn't yet or may never fully understand but he knows he can listen and empathize and learn and grow. 

And yes his love story with Peter is covered and it is the exact meet-cute you want it to be. 

I feel like I was part of a conversation with someone with a heart and story he wanted to share. 

(Finished October 31, 2020)

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