Thursday, December 20, 2018

Just Mercy: A Story of Justice and Redemption by Bryan Stevenson

This book was a gift to my son by a dear friend. I wanted to read it right away. I finally got to. And I recently found out that Michael B. Jordan *swoon* will be playing Bryan in a movie with Jamie Foxx in the role of Walter.

I spent much of the book anxious for Bryan to get to the point, WHAT HAPPENED TO WALTER!!??!! But at the same time I learned more about the justice (using the word justice lightly) system fails so often and so badly especially in southern states. This is yet another book that provides empirical evidence to the points made in Michelle Alexander's The New Jim Crow.

Bryan feels he is broken, much like many of the people he tries to help but that in recognizing one's brokenness is part of healing and helping others. And help others he does. Bryan puts his blood, sweat, and tears into his work and while he isn't able to help everyone, or even everyone he gets to try to help, his work and that of those who have joined him, has done so much good for so many. And they are still at it, as sad as it is that they still need to be.

At times Just Mercy reads like a novel at others times it's more like a history book and at others it is a political commentary on the prison and criminal justice system. But it is always informative and gipping.

(Finished December 20, 2018)

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