Monday, June 10, 2019

Putting makeup on the fat boy by Bil Wright

Carlos is fabulous...more so in his own mind than in anyone else's but he is truly fabulous. He is funny and sweet and a whiz with makeup. He wants to not be a burden to his mom, he wants to be a good friend and brother, he wants a boyfriend, and he wants a job doing makeup at Macys. He is really good at it, makeup artist to the stars kind of good.

While Carlos has some run-ins with the world that doesn't understand or appreciate a gay boy who loves heels, makeup, cool purses, and great clothes for the most part he is comfortable in his skin. Carlos chases his dream and in the process doesn't always make the best choices. He isn't a bad kid at all, just very human. And he pays the price for his mistakes, in one instance damaging a friendship and having to figure out if he can ever fix it.

Putting Makeup on the Fat Boy is Carlos's journey towards finding out who and what he is made of and it is so awesome that the main character is the kind of kid written off in many books as the sidekick of the straight main character. Carlos will make you love him and cheer for him even when you shake your head at his choices. You know his heart is in the right place.

(Finished June 10, 2019)

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