Monday, June 3, 2019

This Book Is Gay by James Dawson

This book is a how-to, self-help, personal growth, everything you need to come out manual. It is also the book you need to read if you love someone, parent someone, are a caregiver to someone who has come out or you suspect will be. And it is also the book you need to read if all you want to do is be a better ally to your LGBTQ+ friends, family, coworkers, neighbors, or the community at-large. It will provide you with some deeper understanding on what it is like keeping in mind we who are cis and straight can't fully understand how they actually feel.

Dawson does a great job infusing real, deep, and much needed truths and information with humor and reminders aplenty that the way you are, the who you are, the label or lack there of you choose to attach to yourself, it is ok, and you are awesome!!

As a parent reading this I glossed over the chapter on sex or as he calls it "sexyfuntime"reading the parts on the statistics and the non-mechanics stuff. I did this not because I am repulsed or have any issues with sex between people of the same gender in any way, but because I was reading this as mom looking to better understand and support my 13 year old gay son and I didn't want or need to images of the mechanics in my head. Just like kids don't want to think their parents every have "sexyfuntime" parents don't want the image of their kids doing it in their heads either.

The love and respect Dawson has for his reader and their differing steps in their journey is beautiful. His humor and honesty are refreshing. And this is the "stereo instructions" we all need to read!!

(Finished June 2, 2019)

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