Wednesday, July 3, 2019

Mrs. Everything (Barnes & Noble Book Club Edition) by Jennifer Weiner

I read this because t's the July bookclub book at work and while it isn't my month to lead the discussion I told the regular ladies I would come because they want to celebrate my birthday which happens to fall 2 days later. Funny aside, another lady who attends, we have the same birthday right down to the year...

I am so glad I read this book!! I had read Good in Bed and have seen the movie In Her Shoes so I'm not totally unfamiliar with Weiner's writing. But I was not prepared for this, for how much I would love this book, for how much it would infuriate me and bring me joy and make me so very sad....

This is the story of Jo and Bethie, Jewish sisters who grow up in Detroit and follows them from childhood in the 1950's through 2022....Along the way they live through  a difficult mother, religion, love, loss, marriage, divorce, women's lib, drugs, war, sex, same sex relationships, the birth of children, illness, and it is so powerful....

I want to go on and on about this book...about how brave and strong Bethie is even when she doesn't think she is, how Jo who seems brave and strong has moments where she is anything but and it changes her life and the lives of others so much, how all of their flaws come back to them in the form of Jo's daughters, how real love sometimes takes a REALLY long time to be noticed, how far women have come but how far there is still left to go....

Even if you aren't near a B&N or you're not sure you want to go to a booklcub, read this book!!!

(Finished July 3, 2019)

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