Sunday, October 27, 2019

Crier's War (Crier's War #1) by Nina Varela

Damit!! I did it again. I read a book I was excited by the description of only to find out when I was just about done that it was the start of a series. I first learned about this book when a little booklet about upcoming YA releases came into the Barnes & Noble where I work. I was very excited about it and then it came in my most recent Owl Crate box and I was so happy.

"Humanity is how you act. Not how you are Made." This is the crux of the story of Crier and Ayla.

Ayla is human. Crier is Automae. Ayla lost her family because of Crier's father, the ruler of the land she lives in. She spends years wanting and dreaming about revenge, about how she would take Crier's life as revenge. But then Ayla meets Crier. What begins to happen in their hearts isn't something either girl could have seen coming.

Crier shouldn't be able to feel anything, it isn't how she was Made. Ayla shouldn't feel anything but disgust and hate for Crier because of all the harm the Automae have done to humans. But neither of them does or thinks or feels what they think they should.

Crier finds she is more than anyone told her she was or gave her credit for being...she has some sort of humanity inside her. Is it a flaw in her design?

Ayla should be able to act when the chance presents itself to finally have the revenge she has been longing for...But there is a story, a cold night in water, a bed, food, safety, kindness that should not be possible, all of this has begun to soften and change her.

Crier shouldn't care what Ayla thinks or feels. She shouldn't want to protect and please her. But there it is...She does...

This was a really good story. But there is more to love her than the story.
It is a Queer story. There are uses of gendered pronouns AND gender neutral pronouns....

But dammit now I have another wait for the next piece of a story.

(Finished Oct. 27, 1978)

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