Wednesday, October 23, 2019

The Bone Houses by Emily Lloyd-Jones

I got this in my Owl Crate Box and the reverse colored cover is so amazing. It is a great read for Halloween time.

Ryn lives with her brother and sister. Her mother died and her father is presumed to have died in a mine collapse. She has been trying to keep the family graveyard and house from being taken and they are deep in debt.

Outside the village there are woods, woods where the dead don't stay dead. They haven't been known to leave the woods and so the village was considered to be safe and people began to forget what it was like when there were monsters afoot. The dead that aren't are called Bone Houses and Ryn needs to stop them to save her brother and sister from them and from the slimy jerk who runs their village and has been skimming money from the Prince's coffers.

Ellis has lived in the Prince's household since he was a little boy. He is a mapmaker who doesn't know his family name and doesn't know what happened that left him with a terribly painful shoulder and the desire to learn who his parents are.

Following a badly drawn map and working to fix it Ellis and Ryn meet and he asks her to be his guide into the mountains. She is desperate to pay of her family's debt and stay in their home and it is more than she can say no to.

I really enjoyed the magic and the goat and the slow burning chemistry between Ellis and Ryn. The story builds and gets tense and then the tension is released when the answers are revealed.

This feels like it is an old fairy tale and I lost myself in the reading and have zero regrets.

(Finished Oct. 23, 2019)

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