Friday, October 18, 2019

Ninth House (Alex Stern #1) by Leigh Bardugo

First I want to say that this book made me think the Universe hates me....I will spare you the crazy story of why I was so late getting my ARC from work (I get ARCs of the Barnes & Noble Bookclub picks so I can read them since I lead the discussion in my store).

But I got it on Monday October 8th while working and got out at Midnight. When I got home I started it and ended up staying up an hour an a half reading until I fell asleep...

I loved the story from page 1. But then over the next 10 days, it early takes me this long to finish a book, the Universe kept throwing things in my path to keep me from having blocks of time to read...But I finished it last night, Thursday October 17. And what an ending!! WOW!!!

Ninth House is my first Leigh Bardugo read and her first adult book. Now I need to go back and read her YA stuff.

Alex (Glaxay but don't call her that) can see ghosts. Alex survived a brutal attack that left her best friend (maybe a girl she loved) among the dead. She survived a rough and traumatic childhood. And now Alex is at Yale. She is the new Dante of Lethe, the house the is the guardian house of the secret societies at the school. And magic is real. And danger is all over the place.

The story is told mostly from two POVs. Alex and Darlington. Darlington is the person who is working with Alex teaching her what she needs to know, he was the Dante before her. Yes there are code names and it is like all the stories of the secret societies are real but with magic too.

The story of what happened to Alex unfolds as she tries to solve a murder and figure out what happened to Darlington causing him to disappear. And the story of from Darlington's point of view leads up to the moment he disappeared.

Under all the magic and secret groups is a typical mystery story. That isn't a knock, it isn't "typical" in a bad way, just that there are clues and some are red herrings and there is a cop and a lay person and misdirection and surprise twists....just with magic and creatures and it works together brilliantly.

And now I have another wait for the next book in a series on my list....Because my life appears to be all about falling in love with books that draw me in and string me along waiting for the next fix.

(Finished October 17, 2019)

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