Tuesday, June 9, 2020

The Stonewall Reader by New York Public Library

The Stonewall Reader is comprised of essays, excerpts from books and articles, and a blurb about each writer. All of the writers have a connection to The Stonewall Riot and/or LQBTQ liberation and freedom fight.

There are three section, Before Stonewall, During Stonewall, and After Stonewall. The history/herstory/theirstory is amazing and fascinating. The language isn't always "polite" or perfect but it is visceral and powerful.

The section on During Stonewall is really interesting. Each person's perspective gives a different view of what happened that weekend in June 1969. There are many details that are in all the tellings but there are some that have details not in any of the others and there are some that have details that contradict other versions of events. But they all ring authentic because they all are told from what ever corner of the events the teller was experiencing it from.

There really isn't a single thing I can find to complain about other than I would have liked lots and lots more. I learned so much and that is why I picked it for my Pride 2020 reading. I wanted to learn more about the movement for equality for all members of the LGBTQ+ community so I can better myself as an ally.

The similarities, overlaps, and sometimes tension between the Civil Rights Movement, the push for equality for Women, and the LGBTQ Rights movements becomes clear. Sometimes there's partnership other times there's animosity. And sadly a lot of it reads like it could be from this moment in time.

(Finished June 9, 2020)

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