Sunday, November 3, 2019

Thunderhead (Arc of a Scythe #2) by Neal Shusterman

Following Scythe  this is book 2 in the Arc Of A Scythe trilogy. The final book comes out Tuesday and my special edition is on the way to me from Owl Crate.

My reaction at the end of this was a very loud OH MY GOD WHAT THE FUCK!!! This whole book left me feeling nervous and worried about how tech dependent we are as a society. Yes even as I make use of Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram on a daily basis. And I track my books on Goodreads. And I post reviews here on a blog. And I can't remember phone numbers because I don't try because my smart phone has made me dumber. I do see the irony of this.

I feel like there isn't much I can say without spoiling someone who is still reading but I want to say enough to make sure if you haven't read this you start reading it.

The questions of good and evil, how much a perfect world is worth, can people ever really be truly good, are there those who are just born bad and no matter what kind of world they live in will that nature find its way out, questions of morality and who gets to decide what is right and just, these are just some of the puzzles Shusterman tackles in these books....I am just so sorry I waited so long to read, yet I am not because now my wait for the conclusion is only a few days away....

There is action, deception, a little bit of romance (very little) but a lot of love and hate and coming of age and just so many deep thoughts provoked...Please just trust me this is worth your time!!

Bottom line review if you need one- in a world made perfect is there really such a thing? Does the perfecting of health to do away with death and disease and all health (physical and mental) problems, no hunger, no war, no poverty, does that really mean life will be perfect? What does one do in a life that never ends but doesn't require one to have a job to get by, where you won't ever get sick, where everything is pretty much handled for you by a loving parent like figure evolved from The Cloud, no natural disasters to worry about...just really perfection....Is that sustainable? Is that desirable? Can technology really be a God replacement? That is the world of the Scythes.

(Finished Nov. 3, 2019)

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