Wednesday, January 8, 2020

Siege and Storm (The Shadow and Bone Trilogy #2) by Leigh Bardugo

This is the follow up to Shadow and Bone. I started as soon as I finished and a chapter in I was so angry!!! I felt like I had taken a breath too soon and was sucker punched. But then things changed and a new character came into the story and I fell for him big time. (And beyond this there be spoilers a little so skip down if you are trying to avoid any, I promise no big spoilers tho.) Not that I don't like or even love Alina and Mal, but something about Strumhond/Nikolai, I just love. I think it is ability to swagger and snark even when he is hurt or angry. Or maybe it is the way he seems to soothe Alina and not really make demands of her. I mean yes he does make ask something of her but he doesn't force her and he seems to accept her for who and what she is and doesn't want to change her and he doesn't feel threatened by her the way Mal seems to. And he doesn't want to use her for her power for his own gain the way Darkling does.

(It is safe to resume here if you want to skip the minor spoilers above.)
The world building continues and Ravka feels as much a character in this tale as the people do. The battle for freedom and the moral gray areas are still central to the story and it is well crafted. How much power is too much, or does it wholly depend on who wields the power. Is absolute power absolutely corrupting? Can a leader also have a normal life, what price for freedom and safety is too high? What makes a good leader and does pure bloodline matter? How does vanity and jealousy cause us to make terrible choices or remind us to make better. I feel like these are the central questions/theme tackled in this fantasy fairytale. And I am anxious to get on to the finale.

(Finished January 8, 2019)

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