Thursday, May 30, 2019

50 Queers Who Changed the World: A Celebration of LGBTQ+ Icons by Dan Jones, Michele Rosenthal

Pride 2019 read the 1st,
My annual PRIDE reading has begun. I aim to become the best possible ally possible so for Pride Month I read nonfiction and fiction by and about LGBTQ people and events important to the movement. I started 2 days early this year because of the timing of finishing a book and not wanting to go a couple of days without reading anything and not wanting to start something and pause for a month.

My plan was to start with this one and it is a quick read, less than an hour if I had been able to sit and read it before I had work and some other stuff to do today.

The portraits are wonderful!!!

The list of 50 is a great list, I learned about some people I didn't know about at all or didn't know they had a connection to the LGBTQ community or activism.

I couldn't decide if I should give you a few of the names or the list and I started both ways but realized when I tried to only name a few I was having a hard time choosing so here is the list:

  1. Freddie Mercury
  2. Alison Bechdel
  3. Christopher Isherwood
  4. Radclyffe Hall
  5. Gladys Bentley
  6. kd lang
  7. Camille Paglia
  8. Keith Haring
  9. Barbara Gittings
  10. RuPaul
  11. Chavela Vargas
  12. Rock Hudson
  13. James Baldwin
  14. Lili Elbe
  15. Quentin Crisp
  16. Gertrude Stein
  17. Harvey Milk 
  18. Patricia Highsmith
  19. Peter Tatchell
  20. Sylvia Rivera
  21. Justin Vivian Bond
  22. Virginia Wolf
  23. George Takei
  24. Jake Miller
  25. Sally Ride
  26. Andy Warhol
  27. Billie Holiday
  28. Dan Savage
  29. Audre Lorde
  30. Sandra Bernhard
  31. Essex Hemphill
  32. Candy Darling
  33. Oscar Wilde
  34. Lily Tomlin
  35. Alan Turing
  36. Michael Dillon
  37. Madonna
  38. Rachel Maddow
  39. Larry Kramer
  40. Laverne Cox
  41. Divine 
  42. Stephen Tennant
  43. Allen Ginsberg
  44. Ellen DeGeneres
  45. Marlene Dietrich
  46. Armistead Maupin
  47. Eleanor Roosevelt 
  48. Leigh Bowery
  49. Ron Woodroof
  50. Frida Kahlo
There was a list at the end of More Queer Heroes with a little blurb. The one I will share with you was my favorite: American lesbian entertainer, activist and French secret agent Josephine Baker. Might as well have said all around badass!!!

A great start to my Pride reads!
(Finished May 30, 2019) 

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