Friday, May 10, 2019

If You Come Softly (If You Come Softly #1) by Jacqueline Woodson

I was putting my TBR piles into neater piles so I could take pictures for my friend who challenged people to post their pictures. And it took 4 pictures to get mine, not counting the stacks I have tucked away in my closet. And I found this in the pile so I started it this morning...and I finished it after work this evening. And I am completely gutted!!!

It was a sweet love story between Ellie and Miah. They are two students at a private high school in NYC who meet when they bump into each other, literally, and can't stop thinking about each other. There's a catch though, Ellie is white and Miah is black.

This book is from 1998 and while walking around together and spending time together they notice the looks they get and the comments people make. And Miah thinks about how his dad taught him to never run in a white neighborhood (I wish things were better 20 years later but we all know that not only hasn't it gotten better but has actually gotten worse). Yet they fall in love. And it is sweet. And it is innocent. And you get the feeling it is the real deal.

Ellie meets and really likes Miah's mom. Ellie has real fear about bringing Miah home to meet her family after she mentioned meeting him to her sister and her sister had a really unfortunate reaction. She loves him and wants to protect their love from any harsh words or actions her parents might have.

But then she is ready to tell them. And she is so happy, and so is Miah...

Read this. I can't say more. Just trust me.

(Finished May 10, 2019)

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