Wednesday, May 15, 2019

I Am the Messenger by Markus Zusak

Back in 2012 I read The Book Thief and loved it. When Zusak's newest book Bridge of Clay came out I bought it but haven't read it yet and I found and grabbed this one because it was on the infamous Buy 2 Get 1 table at Barnes & Noble. I finally got around to reading it and well it was nothing like Thief. But that's ok. It had something in common, the heart.

When Ed and his friends are in a bank when it is being robbed and he thwarts the robber, in the clumsiest way possible, since Ed isn't brave and isn't a go get em' kind of guy. Ed is a 19 year old pretending to be 20 so he can drive a cab. He has a smelly dog named Doorman and three best friends, Ritchie, Marv, and Audrey. And he happens to be hopelessly in love with Audrey. And until he becomes a "hero" the most interesting thing about him is his blunt honest and his smelly dog. Then he meets an old lady, a couple of rowdy boys, a brute of a man, a priest, a single mom, a young runner with no shoes, and his life changes....

After the robbery he gets a card in the mail, a playing card, the Ace of Diamonds, with addresses written on it. And so begins a life altering road he is set upon. He has to do something, what depends on what is happening where the cards send him. There is a lot of heart, some really good laughs, a goodly dose of snark, and even some tears in Ed's story.

In the end, while it was a totally different beast than Book Thief I really enjoyed I Am The Messenger.

(Finished May 15, 2019)

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