Monday, December 9, 2019

Call Down the Hawk (Dreamer Trilogy #1) by Maggie Stiefvater

Following The Raven BoysThe Dream ThievesBlue Lily, Lily Blue, and The Raven King comes a new adventure this time with Ronan at the center. His brothers Declan and Matthew are back as is Adam. Gansey and Blue get mentions but don't actually appear and while they are missed there is so much here to love that it doesn't take away from the love I have for the start of this new trilogy.

If you haven't finished The Raven Cycle then you might feel spoiled by reading further.

Adam and Ronan are amazing and I love them and that they love each other. There are some bumps and I expect to find it fleshed out in books 2 and 3. There is a new character, Farooq-Lane, I didn't know if I liked at first but ended up really liking and see some real potential for development in her. Other new introductions are the Hennessy girls and people called Visionaries as well as covert government agents looking to save the world from what they call Zeds but which we know as Dreamers (like Ronan and his father). Declan gets some real character development here and all the ways I disliked him have become ways I love him.

There is a mystery around Bryde, who is he, what is he, why is he, and is he good or evil or is it less black and white than that?

I would have finished this sooner of work and sleep didn't get in my way; I totally enjoyed this installment and now am among those anxiously awaiting to devour more of Maggie's lovely words.

(Finished December 9, 2019)

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